Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

Change is inevitable. Accepting it and learning to anticipate it--is not, and understanding that is a major mental hurdle for entrepreneurs as their businesses, customers and market shift over time.


But you can actually train your brain to get better at handling change through some simple mental exercises, from imagining your company's demise to learning how to meditate. It's not always pleasant, but it is possible. Here are ways to force a mind-set shift:


Your mind-set is a muscle that can be strengthen and improved upon. One way to improve your mind-set and embrace change in your life is to learn the exercise of meditation.


Taking the time to work on your own development can be incredibly challenging as an entrepreneur. But, it is the only way to embrace change and manage the inevitable stress and ups and downs that come with growing a company. Whether it is mediating, yoga, a spiritual practice or just self-inquiry, intention about your own growth and path will let you learn to embrace change.




Keep in mind that almost every product in history is eventually obsolete, at least in its original form. As a thought experiment, try to imagine how and why your own business will become out-dated. Who or what is likely to make it obsolete? By coming up with answers to this question, you can position yourself to make these innovations rather than having your competitors do it at your expense



As our business evolve, it is the path of least resistance, but not always the best path, to form anything new based only on our current understandings and skill sets. Being in a position of power, others get dragged into our processes. But if we make ourselves vulnerable to accepting the thoughts of others, we may not only positively shift our mind-set but also become better leaders