Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

Working hard doesn’t always mean you will get the results you hope for or achieve your goals. So the logical step would be to change what you’re doing right? Although this makes sense, people don’t often change their actions. They keep doing the same, hoping for different results.


Why do we humans repeat the same actions, hoping that the effects will be different next time?


One important reason is that we haven’t really changed the way we understand, or ‘see’, the situation or the process. If we had a different perspective, we might consider taking some alternative action steps.


Examining your work from a different viewpoint is often the key to better results. When you change the way you see things, it influences what you do and the results you get. If you want small changes, work on your behaviour; if you want quantum-leap changes, work on paradigms.


if you change the way you see your work, your behaviour will lead to the desired results and you don’t actually have to change anything. This is called efficient route. But if you don’t achieve your desired results, you have to search for a different perspective that leads to different actions with the possible effect that you do get your results. He calls this the effective route.


How you perceive the world determines what you do, and determines the results of your actions. What applies to us as individuals also applies to organizations that want to achieve results. If we want to achieve results as an organization, we must work with a mind-set of success.



Start by examining your feedback process. Feedback tells us whether our current view triggers the right or wrong behaviour to achieve our results.


Goals are often set for a longer period of time and we only receive feedback when we can no longer achieve our goals and need to be adjusted.