Quote Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

Integrity is one of those things that most people strive to have but many cannot clearly define. Most people will say a vague or partial answer, such as being honest, or doing what is “right” versus what is “wrong,” or having a moral or ethical code.


Integrity is much larger than being honest or having a moral code. When you live in integrity, you are living in alignment with who you are and your higher self, the person you want to be. You know your values, goals and vision for your life. You bring your gifts, talents and your being forward without censoring them.


Integrity is one of those things that we have to pay attention to, be conscious of, and practice. Are you living in integrity? Are there areas where you are cutting corners or getting sloppy? Why? Have your values changed? Living in integrity takes courage and work!


You need to be aware of who you are and who you want to be, and what is important to you. You will need to face your fears of rejection and ridicule when you show your true, complete self to the world. You’ll have to overcome fear or nervousness to say no, stand up for yourself, or stand up for others when the situation warrants it. You’ll also have to be brutally honest with yourself and self-correct when you get off course.


When you live in integrity, you are being authentic. You bring the best aspects of yourself forward everyday and you inspire others to do the same. You are clear on your life purpose and your path, and are able to stay true to that path. In short, you are the person that you are meant to be, aligned with your higher self and soul.