Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week

An easy way to find a positive perspective in any area of your life is to reframe your mental attitude towards everyday situations. Instead of mentally telling yourself that you "have to" do something, you can find a silver lining by telling yourself that you "get to" do it. For example, saying, "I have to clean the house" has a negative connotation since it frames cleaning as an unwanted responsibility. On the other hand, saying "I get to clean the house" reframes the chore as something you're looking forward to, emphasizing the value of having a place to live in the first place. Using a positive mindset to reframe tasks in your daily life is a great way to change your perspective and improve your mental health.


It's hard to practice positive thinking when you're surrounded by bad things or people who are constantly putting negative thoughts into your brain. For example, if browsing social media or reading the news puts you into a negative mental state, it might be best to limit your time doing those activities and instead do things that you find rejuvenating or constructive. Similarly, if one of your family members or friends is constantly pulling you into their sphere of negative energy, choose to spend time with more positive people instead. Surrounding yourself with positivity can be an essential step in the quest to living your best life.